How to ensure you use the right bricks for your building project

Not just another brick in the wall

The vast majority of buildings are simple bricks and mortar, so choosing the right bricks can have a massive impact on your finished project. Despite being the very core of most residential building projects, you might be surprised that bricks often account for less than 5% of the typical costs. An average new detached house will cost around £5000, much less for example, than the average costs of a new kitchen.


There are many differing methods of brick manufacture, producing many styles with varying characteristics. Standard stock bricks, handmade, wirecut or waterstruck to name a few.


UK bricks are a standard 215 x 102.5 x 65mm, however different sizes are available. There is a growing trend for longer and thinner bricks in modern, contemporary designs.


The texture of the brick will also have a big impact on the look of the finished building. Traditional textures are rougher and modern styles tend to be more monotone and smooth.

black bricks
red bricks


The colour will obviously have a huge impact. Choose between plain or multi-coloured, reds, greys, black bricks and many modern styles are also glazed.


Combining different bricks is a growing trend which can help create a unique blend of character and appearence.

Mortar Colour

Don’t forget the mortar, which can account for around 15% of the facia. Pairing your bricks with the correct mortar colour is essential.